Wisdom of life

Monthly Archives: April 2016

Atoll Marine Centre in December

In December we saw the arrival of a green turtle hatchling, which was soon named Jonathan by our Marine Biologist, Ben.  At two weeks old he was in very good shape and active. We finished our art piece, made from recycled bottle caps.  The idea is to raise awareness about the impacts of plastic on the marine environment and to show potential ways of recycling.  Hopefully what we have produced is thought-provoking and will inspire people to come

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Hosting a stall at the LECReD fair

The Low Emission Climate Resilient Development (LECRed) Progamme works to mainstream resource efficiency and climate change into local development planning.  Atoll marine centre was invited to take part in the event.  We used our stall to present our marine conservation projects and to expand our partnerships! The stall was very popular with the local people and government officials.  We met lots of interesting projects and motivated people

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Women’s National Volleyball Championship November 2015

Taking part in the Women's National Volleyball championship.  The championship is sponsored by MWSC and Coco Cola in association with Atoll Marine Centre, Maldives Originals and Redbull.  This is a fantastic opportunity for a wonderful group of women to show their sporting and team work skills.  Activities such as volleyball are a fun way to keep you fit and healthy and this national competition is a great way to get everyone involved.

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